Chaya Singh, a popular face in South Indian cinema, among both big and small screen lovers, tied the knot with actor Krishna recently. The wedding ceremony was held in the presence of both the families.
It is said that their relationship started off while shooting for 'Anandapurathu Veedu' and has been going strong till today.
Chaya has acted in more than 25 films in several languages including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali and Bhojpuri. The actress shot to fame with 'Thiruda Thirudi'.
Krishna has worked in 'Anandhapurathu Veedu', 'Eeram', 'Azhaghiya Asura', 'Idaya Thirudan' to name a few. He is known for his works in serial dramas, 'Sahana' and 'Chidambara Raghasiyum'.
Here's wishing the duo on their happy occasion!
*(News from IndiaGlitz [Saturday, June 16, 2012])